Sunday 2 February 2014

28. True To Tell

amid the aftershocks of riot
                             and its suppression
we need recipes however
                        all good things together

& how much language is food
- nourishing & defining

pies and beef! pies and beef!
and give us good fruit puddings!

some poems
           like mince or vomit
or at best
           Singapore Fried Noodle

La questione che bisogna domandare: che cosa é il rischio in questa arte?

Another test then –
             how does it cope with noise & dirt?
             are these better than it
                                      or rather
             does it make us see them as art

“improvisation entails . . . doubt. The improvisational attitude resists attempts at totalization (truth, belief, etc.) in favour of unpredictability and incompleteness. . . . the improviser takes a risk of a very specific kind . . . when, through an act of intentionality, one wills doubting. The improvisational approach, therefore, makes the artistic event an adventure of the moment.”
Hejinian, p 374

daylight will open
as a glowing screen

entropy will eat the clock

strange things, people
& dangerous to ridicule
ridiculous to endanger
          true to tell

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